Yotsuba Recipes

Butter Scrambled Egg

Butter Scrambled Egg


Hokkaido YOTSUBA Milk

1 tablespoon

YOTSUBA Butter (Salted)
A little
Spring Onion
A little
Smoked Salmon
4 pieces
Dairy products to use Milk, butter
Prep. time -
Portion 2 servings
Calories -


  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add the milk, 10g of butter cut into small pieces, and the salt, and mix roughly.

    The gentle buttery flavour of the scrambled eggs is complemented by the saltiness of the smoked salmon, making this a perfect breakfast dish. Mixing the eggs and butter together brings out the flavour of the butter even more.
  2. Add the remaining 10 grams of butter to a frying pan over medium heat, pour in the mixture prepared in Step 1 and let cook for 20 to 30 seconds. Sprinkle in the chopped spring onions, stir a few times with a wooden spoon, and turn off the heat immediately.
  3. Quickly move to a plate to avoid overcooking and serve with the smoked salmon.

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